Saturday, January 15, 2011

Cherish Live Dream Photography

Cherish Live Dream Photography

Attention Pageant Retouching Clients!


$40 Pageant Glitz Retouching Special (reg. $60) Offer Good for the First 15 New Clients! I am trying to raise enough money so I can attend Photoshop World this year in Orlando, so I thought how better a way than to run a sale and gain new clients. I haven’t ran an advertisement or special [...]

One Designer’s/Photographer’s Workaround Ping.Fm Suspending Their API Key


In learning about SEO and Social Networking, I have had to teach myself and overcome many hurdles. I am not the most savvy on social networking and the idea of having to update each individual site with every update was daunting. I originally found to be a God send. It pulled feed from my [...]


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