Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Journal 4/27/2010


I am still trying to figure out how best to introduce my services and reach out to new clients. To say my budget is limited is an understatement. My retouching services luckily finance any expenses my photography creates (studio, equipment, advertising, etc.)

I was asked if I prefer shooting children or pets. This is a challenging question. I think children are absolutely precious and beautiful to capture in "film". On the other hand I am VERY comfortable with animals. I always have been. As a child I wanted to grow up and be a veterinarian. In my adult life, I still consider taking classes to be a vet tech. That would be a little odd though considering my degrees in graphic design. I would feel like I was cheating on myself, LOL!

So... thinking more on this subject I have decided to start my advertising campaign for CLD's PawPrints. With this I also want to help bring awareness and support the Jacksonville Humane Society. I have submitted my paperwork for volunteer work. I was reading that shelter animals with professionally taken photos are adopted sooner and in greater numbers. I will also be joining in the Pawfessionals Community Partnership.

The Pawfessionals is a pet-loving, young professionals group committed to supporting the educational and fundraising efforts of the Jacksonville Humane Society. Check out their site http://www.jaxhumane.org/how-to-help/thepawfessionals/

I was thinking about giving a $25 discount off regular sessions for Pawfessionals members. PawPrints sessions will receive an extra "bonus" for the furbabies.

With this same train of thought, I would like to offer free mini sessions for newly adopted shelter pets with their new families.

So... now where to begin...

Thank you for visiting,

Sarah Justice
Cherish-Live-Dream Photography


Cherish-Live-Dream Photography said...

Well I have all my paperwork back and it looks like I need to attend an orientation. This poses a bit of a problem for me. I still work during the day as an art director from 8:30 to 5:30 and the orientations are during the day :(

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