Have you ever looked into Biorhythms?
From Wiki:
A biorhythm is a hypothetical cycle in physiological, emotional, or intellectual well-being or prowess. "Bio-" pertains to life and "rhythm" pertains to the flow with regular movement. The theory has no more predictive power than chance, and has been labeled a pseudoscience by skeptics.
I have always found horoscopes to be fun and sometimes even uncanny. I personally love Rick Levine.
Today's Horoscope:
By Rick Levine
This can be a very satisfying day for you because you can express your feelings without seeming so needy that others want to retreat. In fact, your ability to love is currently based upon your need for freedom. It's one thing to ask for a bit of elbowroom now, but it still can be tricky to balance it with intimacy and security.
I know it is sometimes silly, but humans in general like to feel like the wield some sort of control over their destiny's and maybe biorythms and horoscopes are just one way of making ourselves feel secure.
For the record... I actually am having a fairly bad physical day (Sjogren's is acting up I think... acky) and I am optimistic about my future, but I know I have a lot to do in the next couple weeks :)
Thank you for visiting,
Sarah Justice
Cherish-Live-Dream Photography
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