Monday, May 10, 2010

Journal 5/10/2010 Marketing

It is a funny thing that a professional graphic designer and do all sorts of groovy work for others, but when it comes to themselves the creative juices dry up like the Sahara Desert. I finally got some decals and magnets ordered for my car. Not the greatest or the best but I hope to generate a bit more business.

My visit to the ACPS really made an impact on me. It is amazing the amount of work to be done for all those animals with such a small amount of full time staff. I urge anyone with a little free time and a love for animals to volunteer. It can be as simple as petting a kitty or playing a little catch with the dogs. Granted for those that like scooping poop, that is always welcome as well. In honor of my visit, I made a little decal about spaying/neutering/adopting. I've seen many similar and I wanted my own!

Thank you for visiting,
Sarah Justice
Cherish-Live-Dream Photography


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