Monday, May 3, 2010

Journal 5/3/2010

Well, after a very productive weekend, I enter Monday in an optimistic and energetic mood. So many things to do in the next few weeks. I was considering building professional portfolio online. I know many designers use fancy layouts and scripts, but I think I will just build something that is very simple. More like an interactive resume.

I need to think of graphic elements that rather summarize my look and feel. That is rather challenging. It is difficult for anyone to design for themselves. It is much easier to put together graphics for a client. I am a creative sort, having many styles and themes that I personally like. Perhaps I will just go really, really simple and do basic black.

I know this is my photography blog, but until I come into my own, I will need to keep a full time position in order to survive. These days we must all wear many hats.

So stay tuned and hopefully this weekend I will have my new professional port page built :)

Thank you for visiting,

Sarah Justice
Cherish-Live-Dream Photography


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