Monday, May 17, 2010

Journal 5/17/10

Well, what a busy weekend. Sorry for not checking in but it has been a frantic few days.

Saturday morning/afternoon, I spent a little time getting my feet wet doing a bit of photography at the ACPS - Jax. I will be volunteering weekly to take photos of the new residents. Check out a couple of the cuties that need a home. Visit to see them in person and many other furbabies that need homes.

OH! I've been approved to having a meeting with the ACPS so that I can offer free photoshoots for families that adopt shelter pets. I will have one day a month that folks and turn in their vouchers and receive a free mini session and 5x7 portrait :)

Later that afternoon I had the pleasure of taking photos with Jada and her mommy and daddy. Nothing like chasing a 2 year old around a park to get in your Weight Watcher's Activity Points! Major fun!

Sunday was a day of retouching, retouching, and more retouching. Thank goodness for ibuprofen! My hands were about ready to fall off.

So this week will continue to be busy as I keep working on my loads of retouching. Keep in mind that if you need retouching, my turn-around is pushing 2 weeks. (This does not apply to my own photography)

Thank you for visiting,
Sarah Justice
Cherish-Live-Dream Photography


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