Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Journal 5/4/2010 Baby Its Hot Out There!

Well it definitely feels like summer here in NE FLA. After painful electric bills over the winter I am aggressively attacking our energy consumption. I have decided to start with the thermostat.

Reading http://hubpages.com/hub/Setting-your-thermostat pretty much gives you the overall plan that I am initiating. When indoors, if you feel hot, tun on a fan or put on some shorts. Our AC will only go to 76 at night and other than that it will be set on 78 continuously. I hope it makes a difference, because I think it will be a hot one this year.

As for business: I'm working with a few pageant folks to try to get some summer bookings, I hope to be shooting an engagement session at the zoo (I'm excited!) and I still have yet to hear from the Humane Society.

Thank you for visiting,
Sarah Justice
Cherish-Live-Dream Photography


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